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PDF/A Converter for .NET

Convert PDF documents into PDF/A format with Documentize .NET Plugin for long-term archiving and compatibility.

Documentize PDF/A Converter for .NET

Documentize PDF/A Converter for .NET provides an efficient solution for converting PDF documents into PDF/A format, ensuring long-term document preservation and compliance with archival standards. The PDF/A format is essential for organizations that need to maintain document integrity over extended periods, such as legal or governmental institutions.

This plugin allows you to convert PDFs to various PDF/A compliance levels, including PDF/A-3B, ensuring your documents meet the required standards. With a simple setup and seamless integration into your .NET applications, this plugin streamlines your document conversion process, making it easier to manage your archival needs.

How to Convert PDF to PDF/A Using .NET

  • Reference Documentize in your project
  • Set your license keys
  • Create an instance of PdfAConvertOptions and set the PDF/A version (e.g., PDF/A-3B)
  • Configure conversion settings with PDF/AOptions
  • Add the input PDF file to the conversion options
  • Set the output path for the resulting PDF/A file
  • Instantiate the PdfAConverter object
  • Call the Process method to perform the conversion
  • Print the result to verify successful conversion

Getting Started with PDF/A Converter

Download the assembly files or retrieve the package from NuGet to integrate Documentize directly into your .NET workspace.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows 7-11, Windows Server 2003-2022, macOS (10.12+), Linux
  • Supported frameworks: .NET Framework 4.0 to 7.0
  • Compatible with various Microsoft Visual Studio versions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Documentize PDF/A Converter for .NET do?

Documentize PDF/A Converter for .NET is a plugin designed to convert PDF documents into PDF/A format, which is crucial for long-term document preservation and compliance with archiving standards.

Can I choose different PDF/A compliance levels with the plugin?

Yes, you can configure different compliance levels, such as PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2, or PDF/A-3, based on your specific requirements when converting documents.

Is Documentize PDF/A Converter limited to converting PDFs to PDF/A format?

Yes, this plugin is specifically designed for PDF to PDF/A conversion. For additional document manipulation tasks, other plugins in the Documentize library can be used.
