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Documentize Signature for .NET

Sign PDF documents using Documentize Signature for .NET plugin

PDF Signature for .NET

The C# code demonstrates the usage of the Documentize.Plugins library to perform PDF signing. It defines a class called SignatureDemo with a single method called RunSignatureNewFile. This method performs the PDF signing process by creating a Signature object, setting various options for the signature, and then invoking the Process method to apply the signature to the input PDF file. The signed PDF is saved to the specified output file path.

How to Sign PDF Documents via .NET?

  • Reference Documentize in your project
  • Set your license keys
  • Instantiate a Sign PDF object to set the stage for the PDF merging process
  • Create a new instance of the Signature plugin.
  • Create a new instance of the SignOptions class and set the input PFX file path and password.
  • Add the input file to the SignOptions.
  • Add the output file to the SignOptions.
  • Set the reason, contact information, and location of the signature

Getting Started with PDF Signature for .NET

Obtain the assembly files from the downloads or fetch the package from NuGet to add Documentize directly to your workspace.

  • Supported operating systems include Windows 7-11, Windows Server 2003-2022, macOS (10.12+), and Linux
  • Supported frameworks range from 4.0 to 7.0
  • Compatible with various Microsoft Visual Studio versions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Documentize Sign PDF for .NET do?

Documentize Sign PDF for .NET is a plugin deSigned to Sign multiple PDF documents into a single PDF file within .NET applications. It simplifies the process, providing a convenient solution for consolidating PDF files.

Is Documentize Sign PDF for .NET limited to only to Sign multiple PDF into single PDF?

Yes, PDF Sign PDF for .NET is deSigned specifically for merging multiple PDF into single PDF. For other operations you can use other PDF plugins or the full capabilities of the Documentize library.
